improve school-wide literacy
Improve school-wide literacy with your staff

Imagine every teacher in your school consistently teaching and grading students' writing. lisa is a game changer that makes that possible.
Literacy is a school-wide responsibility. But often, not all teachers agree. Lack of expertise, competing curricular needs, greater student diversity, and too little time place writing in the "too hard" basket.
Find out how lisa can accelerate the teaching of student writing at your school ... and reduce teachers' workload!
Through lisa's secure and easy-to-use online platform, teachers can access a library of professionally created writing activities to use with students. Or they can create their own.
The library includes prompts for:
​Alternatively the school literacy co-ordinator (team) can easily do this on behalf of teachers.​​​​​​​​
consistent grading
consistent feedback
​persuasive writing
creative writing (narrative)
informative writing (expository)

lisa then grades students' work - instantly, accurately and consistently - and gives detailed feedback about students' strengths and gaps, to inform further teaching. ​
save your teachers
hours of time

lisa turns teachers' war with AI on it's head, carefully using Ai to automatically grade students' writing on teachers' behalf ... providing detailed feedback and easy access to students' work, to keep teachers connected to their classes and students.
lisa can turn a year-level test around in a couple of hours, saving up to 150 hours of teachers' time, depending on the number of students.
Alternatively, lisa can grade a class set of writing in minutes, saving 4-5 hours of teacher time ... per test.
Why wouldn't you get this for your staff?

At Teachplus, we understand the role of school leaders and administrators to lead school-wide change ... and the need for tools that make that journey possible.
We've designed lisa to help teachers create engaging writing activities in seconds and then grade the students' writing on their behalf - immediately.
lisa saves your teachers hours of work and keeps them connected with students and their learning at all times, able to see students' work and grade it themselves if wanted.
lisa also gives school leaders and administrators vital data on students' writing progress, identifying individual and cohort strenghts and gaps.
Use lisa to:
build a school-wide strategy for raising writing standards across your school
easy student tracking across classes and over time​
instant turn-around of grading and feedback to get quick, up-to-date data
screen incoming students writing skills
diagnose students' readiness for external standardised tests
Powering a school-wide literacy strategy

the perfect solution
The literacy team at Shirley Boys High School needed a diagnostic writing test to create an end-of-year benchmark that would inform teaching in the new year.
The challenge was to create, distribute and grade the test at a time when teachers were already 'crazy' busy.​
"It was perfect. We had to do
a school-wide test and didn’t
know how we’d get it done,
let alone mark [it].”​​
Rebekah Johnson
Literacy Coordinator
Using lisa, the team created and deployed the diagnostic test across a whole year level on behalf of teachers ... and then got lisa to grade it automatically. Problem solved.​​
"We're seeing teachers have
really good conversations
about students' writing
from the results.”​​
how does lisa work?
As a school leader, you can deploy lisa across your school as a whole, e.g. for year level tracking of students, or let individual teachers use it in their classrooms ... or both.
lisa has both a 'admin desk' and 'teacher's desk' for staff to quickly set, manage and analyse student writing.

Use an activity from our library of developed by current teachers, or create your own for your students.​ Set the timeframe and publish to the class, group, or individual students.

As soon as you've set the activity, students can access it online. ​​Students sit the test online via lisa's secure online portal and submit it for grading.

After students submit their writing, it's sent securely to lisa's AI to grade against our unique rubric based on state and national criteria. This ensures better accuracy and consistency across students and over time.

Within seconds, lisa grades students' writing and sends detailed feedback to teachers. Use this information to inform teaching, track students' learning progress, or diagnose students' readiness for external tests.
getting started is easy
Contact us now and we'll have you set up before you've had time to get to the staffroom and get a coffee. It's that simple and quick.

As experienced teachers and school leaders, we understand you don't have time to learn complicated systems, so let us do it for you.
Contact us via the 'sign-up' button and we'll get in touch to determine your needs and set lisa up for you and your students, along with some simple resources to get you using lisa with your students immediately.


How does lisa grade student's writing?
We've created a rubric that grades students against four conventions:
Creating original ideas and sharing information.
Using appropriate structure to suit the purpose and help the audience understand.
Using different words and structures to add impact.
Spell and punctuate correctly to support understanding.​​​​
lisa also grades how well students' writing fits the purpose and audience, and displays fluency.
Is students' work secure?
We collect only sufficient teacher and student data to operate lise and allow teachers and schools to analyse their data. Apart from storing all data securely on 3rd-party servers, we don't share any user details or work. All writing is encrypted and stored securely.
Teachplus is fully committed to the privacy and security of students' data, and is working towards formal certification (ST4S in Australia and New Zealand) for this purpose.