you teach
we mark students learn

Imagine creating writing activities in seconds with instant, detailed feedback ... and less time spent grading.
Welcome to lisa, a unique solution that lets teachers
quickly create writing activities and grades them automatically to provide instant, detailed feedback.
lisa is a writing game-changer that equips teachers to do what they do best - connect with students to lead learning.
Learn how lisa can help
you and your school.
The power of instant grading
Imagine being able to assess your students' learning in no time at all.
Informally assess your students' writing to identify strengths and gaps.
Check your students' readiness for national or state testing.
Assess the writing level of international students before they leave home.
Track your students' writing progress over time.
Check the writing levels of students coming to your school next year.
Let lisa do the legwork
lisa delivers a self-marking writing test that immediately and accurately assesses students' writing for teachers.

Create tests quickly and easily by year level, class or for individual students

View students' results within seconds of them completing the test.

Analyse results by overall grade, individual questions, conventions and even by sub-conventions

LISA provides a detailed analysis of your class results or for individual students - by test, question or convention.

Improving the test experience

for teachers
Deploying tests is simple and fast.
Grading and feedback is accurate, consistent and transparent.
Teachers can moderate students' grades at any time, quickly and easily online.
TEACHERS ENJOY LESS GRADING GRIND, but retain control of students' learning at all times.

for students
LISA has an easy-to-use testing platform that steps students through their writing.
No waiting. Students get instant, specific feedback on their writing.
LISA HELPS students to plan their ideas before writing, and to check before submitting their answers.
Students experience quick, low-stakes formative assessment.

School-wide success
Concise Rubric
Provide every teacher with a precise rubric of how to teach students to write in their subject.
Save your teachers time by getting LISA to grade students' writing INSTANTLY, so they focus on teaching and their students' learning.
Simple Platform
lisa has an easy-to-use testing platform that steps students through the questions - getting them to plan and check their writing.
Student data
Provide clear, detailed data to your school leaders and teachers. lisa provides immediate student feedback to inform teaching and lesson planning.
Empowering learning communities
Get lisa to accurately and consistently track your students' writing ability across schools and over time.
Districts /
Track literacy across your school, check students' readiness for national or state testing, screen
students (including international students) before they land in your school.
Set up a quick writing activity and get lisa to instantly mark it for you, to see students' writing strengths and gaps, and to inform your teaching.